Are you up for the challenge?

Introducing the Mighty Cricket Challenge at froYo!

For the month of October you will be able to stop into any froYo location and take the #Cricketchallenge. You can add it as either a protein scoop to your smoothie, or add it as a shake-on topping to your favorite froYo creation!

We have signed on along with many other Local St. Louis restaurants to feature this item on our menu during the month of October. So stop on in and give it a try before its gone!

  • ALLERGEN WARNING: People with shellfish crustacean allergen may be sensitive to crickets.

Why Crickets-

  • They are a clean protein

  • contain Iron, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • A more sustainable form of protein

  • 1 Lb of crickets use only 1 gallon of water compared to 2000 gallons needed for 1 LB of Almonds!

Contest time!

Mighty Cricket is hosting a contest for the restaurant with the best cricket infused dish, just go to to cast your vote!

You can enter to win dining gift cards:

  1. Take a video of yourself trying a dish or drink made with Mighty Cricket Protein Powder

  2. Post the video on social media with #CricketChallenge in the caption

  3. Give yourself kudos for making a #SmallButMighty impact on the planet!

Original tart topped with Cricket Protein Powder

Original tart topped with Cricket Protein Powder